Sunday, January 7, 2018

Listening to the Dhamma at all time

As a meditator, you should use the strategy of Listening to the Dhamma at all time, even when living alone. In other words, contemplate the Dhamma both day and night. The eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body are physical phenomena (rupa-dhamma) that are always present. Sights,sounds,smells, tastes, and touch. The mind? It too is present. Your thought and feelings about various topics good and bad are present as well. Development and decay, both within you and without, are also present. These things naturally display the truth inconstancy, stress, and not-selfness___for you to see at all times, When a leaf grows yellow and falls from the tree, for instance, it s showing you the truth of inconstancy.
       So when you continually use this approach to contemplate things with your mindfulness and discernment, you are said to be Listening to the Dhamma at all time, both by day and by night.

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